2022-08-19 14:18:28 | 编辑:admin
Fédération Cynologique Internationale(FCI )
The Fédération Cynologique Internationale is the World Canine Organisation. It includes 99 members and contract partners (one member per country) that each issue their own pedigrees and train their own judges.
The FCI has five sections: Europe, The Americas and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, Middle-East and Africa.
The FCI makes sure that the pedigrees and judges are mutually recognised by all the FCI members.
The FCI recognises 360 breeds. Each of them is the 'property' of a specific country. The 'owner' countries of the breeds write the standard of these breeds (detailed description of the ideal type of the breed), in co-operation with the Standards and Scientific Commissions of the FCI. The translation, updating and publication of the standards are carried out by the FCI. These standards are THE reference for the judges at shows held in the FCI member countries, but also for the breeders in their attempt to produce top-quality dogs.
Every member country conducts international conformation shows as well as working/hunting trials and tests, Agility and Obedience competitions, races, coursing and herding trials. Results are sent to the FCI office where they are processed and homologated. When a dog has been awarded a certain number of awards, it is eligible for the title of International Beauty, Show, Working, Beauty and Working, Agility, Obedience, Race, Beauty and Performance or Herding Champion. These titles are homologated by the FCI.
In addition every breeder can ask for international registration of his/her kennel name via his/her national canine organisation.